Written By Arman Zulhajar on Friday, April 3, 2009 | 5:38 PM

Oh Viva here i come!!!!!! oh kittens , I had to say good bye with a quick lil' post cuz Elvis is a waitin' and sigin' ..."VIVA LAS VEGAS !" and this kitten is gonna answer...

this kitten is all packed Elvis baby!... and i am so ready for one rocken' time out in Las Vegas...for Viva Las Vegas 2009...yep 10 years running for this kitten!...a full week of swing dancin', vintage shoppin', and ooooh honey a fashion show like none other...with vintage shoes, clothes, and ooh the hairstyles! oooh i just can't wait!

okay ladies sassy sadie' here to let you know i have a camera in hand...which i never do at Viva...but for you sassy kittens...i'm gonna be one tourist snappin' fool! except on the dance floor... cuz me twirlin' with something in my hand...eeeekkkkk dangerous! hee hee

Yes, i am ready to show you kittens, all about what Viva is just hold tight... i'll be back before you know it...but before i hurry off...i wanted to show a lil' sneek peek...which one never does for Viva...cuz the fashion is just to die for and you gotta save all the goodies...but i thought...what about your sassy kittens Cat?!!! ok...sassy ladies... a few lil' numbers...just for the kittens... take a peek...

oooh happy red...polka dot dream...this is my sweet fab new find...a vintage 50's play suit for the pool! oh kittens you don't even know how hard it is to find one in red...with polka my size...ekkkkk...can't ya'll just scream with me?!

this sassy number is for the tikki pool party where the best 50's fun in the sun fashion is shown off! you see every day things go on at Viva...different venues and what for Sunday a fab tikki pool party...with this polka dot dream! yippy!

Next a lil' sassy Patricia purple...what purple for you Cat?! ...your most un-loved color...yep! Well not anymore...take a peek...

oh my word! look at these sweet purple dream sandals...canvas play shoes that would be worn out at a picnic or walkin' down near the Pier...oh golly a fab ebay find...never worn...but don't wear purple...are you sure you can find a dress...

Why Yes gals... and ok they match! This is a 50's halter dress with lil' purple gingham and sweet purple flowers...that match the shoes purrrrfectly...ok and this is just toooo much...This is my lucky Lavern recently late grandma always made dresses out of this fabric...soooo wonderful ! And i found remind me of her...and for Vegas...Lucky Lavern's favorite place on earth! oh she just loved her poker slots!!!!

hee thats the sneek peek let me know whatcha' think... Last a lil' funny picture i found, i thought it is too this how we kittens really are? nahhhh...not us sassy kittens... we share our goodies!... hope you enjoyed mine...have one rocken' week ladies! check back for all the yummy photos of Vegas Baby!

thanks for swingin' by for some Viva


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