A Vintage Housewife first! Can i call it an Adventure?

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Friday, May 20, 2011 | 8:44 PM

Hey'a kittens hope your week was wonderful! I have had quit a few exciting things go on...first like all adventures in my book you gotta just go for it!

So...Well this new adventure is very unfamiliar to me. I always try and have a vintage warm home...dinners as a family, stories & games before bed and lots of cuddle time...I appreciate the simple times when families did that...I even had Daddy-o make me a clothes line so i could be a rooten' tooten laundry hangin' honey...which I adore...

I try to watch and control this fast pace life & fill it with wholesome things of yester year...my appreciation of good ol family time...simple...close...& appreciation...The way i think my vintage housewife home should be...well...its all gettin turned upside down...for this... Coupons!!! yup...I have never coupon-ed...It never has crossed my mind until i watched the TLC show Extreme Couponing this past week ...I was amazed at these women who make a mission to provide for their families...I was freakin' shocked!

Yes, I was inspired, curious, & honestly giddy at the fact that coupons are amazing! Well I found that the new Target adds will look like this above...ok what kitten couldn't coupon with this adorable add...so hey I thought i would give it a try...wish me luck cuz gals...I don't know what I'm doin' ;0)

So i checked a few websites..on how to do it...With all the excitement i am feelin' I thought what a good thing...what a fulfilled mama I would be to stock pile for my family?

Well gals I need advice...do you coupon...do you watch this show...are you as amazed as I am?

...is this the missing link to my love of being the Vintage Housewife?...I wear vintage clothes...adore my vintage car& camper...junk & flea market...raise my baby chicks in a vintage family style...now can I provide a secure stock like Mrs. Suzy above is in todays age...through coupons??

Tell me your tales gals...or at least watch the show...I think you will be amazed like me...now on with...my Vintage Housewife adventure...of couponing! thanks for swingin' by for a lil' adventure time...stay tuned ...Cat~ (update TLC Extreme couponing is on Sunday afternoon...for a few hours ! wow...check it out!)


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