Hiding Your Computer's IP Address, Why Is This Important For Your Online Privacy

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Monday, December 19, 2011 | 12:52 AM

By Frank Andrew Greenwald

There are many excellent reasons why it pays to find out more about how to hide your IP address. One reason for doing this is that you need to be cautious about what your IP address is able to reveal about you and your surfing habits. You will certainly want to be cautious about letting people you don't know find out what this address is.

It is obvious why many individuals are taking measures to be sure that no one finds out about their computer address and other information about them. On the plus side you will come across more than a few different means by which to conceal this address from others.

The easiest way is to get a hold of one of the many different anonymous surfing applications that you will find sprinkled all over the web. Some of these applications are free whilesome come with a complimentary trial offer. With these softwares, anybody is able to hide their IP address which is accomplished by masking the IP address and using a proxy that rotates the IP address every half an hour. In other words, every thirty minutes your IP address will change.

It is also possible to achieve the same results by buying certain software applications that are adept at hiding IP addresses and make it possible for users to surf the web in an anonymous fashion. These are products that are readily available and are priced differently with many even offering free download trial offers. All you have to do is try as many of them as you want until you find one that you feel is best.

Conducting some research is also one good means of learning how your IP address can be hidden. For starters, it is necessary to determine exactly what info can be gleaned by people that find out what your IP address is. Then, look for software programs that can mask that kind of information effectively and without much fuss or bother. At the same time, before picking a solution, be sure to identify the main reason why you wish to conceal this particular piece of info from others. Then, go out and look for a solution that does exactly what you need.

When using a software, make sure you know that it is a trustworthy program. Ask your friends and family members to find out if they have ever used such a program. On the plus side, there is a variety of applications out there and it is not illegal to want to hide your IP address.

It is your legitimate right to wish to surf the web in an anonymous manner and as long as the system you use is legitimate, then there is nothing stopping you. Of course, before you choose a program to help you change your IP address, you should know that these softwares are not meant to be used to commit crimes or to spam others.

These proxies must not be used to take part in anything bad like spamming or committing crimes. In addition, it is important to understand that finding out your Internet Protocol address is not difficult. So, try to learn how to hide your IP address.

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