Inspiration for Saturday, beautiful and wondrous things

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Saturday, December 19, 2009 | 6:41 PM

What inspires you? Sometimes I get asked this question and almost always I answer, "Vintage"... but when I say vintage I don't just mean vintage clothes or vintage dresses, it's a feeling, if that makes sense, a moment even.

I hope all of you had a lovely week so far! Mine has been quite busy with the holidays so very close! We leave to visit family on Wednesday and it's creeping right up, isn't it? Sadly, this year we did not get a Christmas tree. Strange we've been too busy to go get a tree (well, and all the rain in L.A. didn't help either). Will be vacationing for almost a week in northern California, hopefully we'll get some time to visit a vineyard or maybe spend a day in San Francisco, I am dying to go see "Wicked!" Most of all, I am looking forward to spending time with family and eating lots of food! *hehe*

Image credits: 1.] Shapeshift via 'thepulpgirls', 2.] Standing on the Shore by Waga27, 3.] Think Summer, 4.] Skinnywolves, 5.] Tumblr, 6.], 7.] Egotrippingatthegates, 8.] Design is Mine, 9.] oiseaujaune, 10.] >Tatielle


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