Information About Diamond As Investment Opportunity

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 | 1:22 AM

By Daniel Redmond

There are very few financial vehicles that have proven to stand the test of time. Rare metals and stones though have seen dramatic increases in value despite global depressions and down trending global markets. For this reason, diamond as investment opportunities are particularly striking in the eyes of investors searching for both short term and long term returns.

The value of diamonds has increased substantially for many years now. The value of precious stones has increased steadily for numerous reasons too. With a nearly monopolized diamond marketplace, along with the rarity of these stones, their value will likely continue to increase in value as time goes on.

In just the past decade alone the value of these rare stones has increased significantly. With a fourteen percent increase in value in 2004, many recent investors have profited handsomely by making the decision to use diamonds as financial vehicles.

Many special interest groups have a strong desire to increase the value of precious stones. As their value increases, certain special interest groups controlling large shares of the marketplace can earn millions in additional profits with small increases in the value of these stones.

The rarity of precious stones has also made them an exceptional investment opportunity. It is very difficult for diamonds to even be found let alone be mined. The rarity of precious stones has pushed their price up year after year with very few signs that these price increases will ever slow down.

The rarity of diamonds along with the significant costs that are associated in mining them work together to promote large increases in their value. This is exactly why many speculators and long term investors are fairly confident that these stones make for an excellent investment vehicle, especially when compared to more volatile investments, such as stocks and bonds.

Diamond as investment vehicles are seen to be very safe by experts and speculators alike due to the consistent increases in value that have been witnessed for many years by investors. The long term scenarios predicted for this marketplace are extremely favorable as well, due to the exorbitant costs associated with mining and the rare nature of these gems.

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