Hello gals!...ok sassy kittens this Fun Fact Friday is a hoot...if you want your hair to be nice and shiny...all you've gotta do is add a small amount of Vodka to your shampoo bottle!...hmmm...take a lil' swig...& you'll be fillin' a lil' shiny yourself! hee hee... It will really give ya a lift! lol

Now another bath time goodie....Want a yummy bubble bath? And oh honey...you don't have any on hand & don't want to waist the expensive shampoo, sauced with Vodka!?...lol...shave a few slivers of your bar soap...place a draw string bag, cheese cloth, or sashe' baggy and hang under the water ...A insta bubble bath! OH my i love it!... thanks for swingin' by for Fun Fact Friday...! Have a rocken' weekend!...Cat~
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