A Rocken start to a Rod Run Weekend! Friday Cruz

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Monday, March 15, 2010 | 8:01 AM

hey sassy kittens! What a rocken' weekend I had full of vintage cars, Rocken' sales & ooooh honey good friends! Daddy-o & I wanna share take a peek...

My rocken' Daddy-o and I out on friday night...brrrr it was cold so my honey in his pea coat & poor boy hat, me cuffed jeans and leopard swing coat...oh & our ol faithful chucks(converse) for some walkin the town & hangin' with some totally rocken' cars...come on kittens...let's hit the cruz. Grab your coats...

ooooooh Flames!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome pipes!

oh what fun...glad you kittens came to see all the cars cruz..oh and dolls keep checkin' back it's a full rocken' weekend...a vintage sale, some antique shopping & oh honey more .......cars!!!! Thanks for swingin' by Cat~


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