And the winner is!!!! & Oh my 300!

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 | 6:57 AM

heya kittens! With all the fightin' and tuggin' ...we finally have a winner...

for this wonderful 50's inspired movie " The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio"....

i am excited to say that the winner is...ekkkk...the kittens are all gettin' excited!...ok....the sassy winner is...Coedith...frome life in a pink house. blog spot...yahoooooooo! Isn't she adorable! Congrats kitten...the gals are all happy to see that you won my give away!

So in all this excitement i notice i hit 300 followers! Oh my OH my!...

Thank you kittens...which i cant believe i have 300 followers! Thank you all so very much...this is all because of you and your blogs! A gals word of mouth is sweet as honey or cupcakes! hee hee...So as a Big Thank you...A Outfit post again...yippy!

This is what i'm wearin' today... My adorable school girl dress is a wonderful black and white gingham check wrap 50's has the sweetest collar and big Bakelite buttons! Adorable rick-rack that makes this kitten squeeeeel! I love rick-rack! It is worn with a old black sweater thrifted and my adorable 40's Remix play shoes...and red Bakelite earrings from vintage antique mall in orange circle! OH Go there its wonderful!!!!

so with much gratitude to all you sassy kittens for giving me a hoot this morinin' with my 300 followers...I want to say thanks...thanks for swingin' by...and have a very rocken' day!!!! Cat~


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