Woooo Hooooo! Vintage shoppin' & a Daily Outfit too!

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 | 10:01 AM

Hey sassy kittens! Wooooo Hoooooo! I had such a blast this weekend! ...the sun was out and i hit the open out doors with a very sweet lil' vintage zipper front strawberry pickin' house dress! Ah what sweet goodness...i just go crazy for fruit on a vintage dress!

My task at hand while i picked my dress for that day was...hit the farmers market for ummm can you guess fresh strawberries...and a few lil' vintage shops downtown...So gals...lets have some fun...take a peek at some vintage goodies...

first miss sweet...baby chick who is going off to college...collects many era's of painted metal flower pins...she pins them on pillows in her room and often wears them with lil' sweet sweaters...they make her so happy...we bought the red white and blue one....hmmm i see her wearin' it for the 4th of july

next some diggin through many racks of vintage clothes...i love this shop because they are all hung very neatly...

60's sparkle shoes...ahhhhh like diamonds for your feet

that is one thing this shop has so much of the 60's...which is my college cuties best fittin' era...the straight shift dresses and thick healed shoes...she often makes me think of Jackie O...when she dresses in 60's!

Next a lil' fur action...lots of vintage coats...

isn't this lace top dress a wonderful color...hmmm...check the price...no way a steal at ...$10.00

look this coat is only $10.00...my oh my!

Next...miss sugar pie jumped for joy at this find...look at this regal buffet coffee maker...she collects 60's dishes in that 60's orange & avocado green...this goodie was $6.00...wow!

ahhh... my day in the sunshine! I did get lots of fresh yummy strawberries...and some good finds...thanks for takin' a peek with me...at some vintage shoppin'...Cat


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