Early on in our marriage Vintage just seemed to fit us so well...i loved the ol' 40's farm housewife...and he the awesome cars...antique shoppin' and ol' western rockabilly music of the 30's 40's & 50's...so vintage just captured us! I think because we share the love of that simpler time it has bonded us in this awesome lifestyle, the ol' values with raising our lil' chicks, & in the past few years the newness of swing dancing & jiving! Which we go out a do every Friday!
well darlin the trailer was a blast...i loved every moment of it...
now daddy-o...well he did all the brakes and electrical...you know the lil' stuff! hee hee and me well...i got to decoratin' and collecting... Now you ready kittens for the kicker...it was all done within'...8 weeks...yup i had a trip with my girl group and i wanted to go...so we got right to it...i have many picture of the process...just click on anything trailer related in my labels & take a peek!!

next part of the question is about my wrap dresses...well gals i just love'em! As i am noticing you all do as well! honestly i find them everywhere and anywhere i can...i am always on the hunt for these!!!! They seem to flatter me and are so rooten' tooten comfy!! & Cute as pie!!!!
I started with apron dresses from the 40's and soon found the company Swirl ! The amazing housewife daily dress that actually you'll find Ethel Mertz wore in many I love Lucy episodes! So to be honest i adore the Ethel dress...i actually am a lot like Lucy as all my girlfriends say...but she dressed too dressy being a band leaders wife...i am more of an ol Ethel in my style!
When do i hunt?...well once i had the swirl brand in my sights...i was a crazy woman on the hunt...well i've hunted for the past 13 years! And Really honestly kittens i will take any adorable wrap dress!!! Any shape i love them!!
The easiest place to find them is Ebay i punch in the search...vintage wrap dress...40's wrap dress, 50's wrap dress, Swirl, and even vintage wrap aprons...i narrow the search by size as well l xl xxl . I do flea markets and vintage clothing stores...the Internet has many vintage shops including Etsy , but i don't have the time...so a good ol' flea market does the trick...I have had a lot of great finds! But i think thats part of the love of vintage the hunt!! Hope this helps your hunt! Just don't outbid me!!!!!!!
well sweet doll thank you ...i do love hair...i try so many things i think thats what brings 40's & 50's vintage into today...old with the new! I place flowers in my hair & even collect vintage hair clips...which is one of my favorite accessories evah!!! Although when i go out or go dancing i do wear my hair in very vintage styles that take a lot of work like pin curls or rolls.
Now daily gals...i wear a simple hot roller rolled style, piggy tails,or a simple curled bob with Bakelite clips or wonderful flowers...it is real and every day...my style is more of a soft real housewife hair style & yes i usually place large hot rollers in my hair...the best advice for you is to look at real photos from the 40's or life magazines and add your own twist so that its for your every day...not just a special occasion...and gals always sass it up with a cute lil' flower or clip. As always kittens...whatever you do rock the real you!!!
Well i don't work outside the home anymore although i have...Daddy-o and i really wanted me to be available to my children...i have done all the mommy duties...I have been so blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my lil' chicks and know they are wonderful upstanding women...i know me being home for them was such a huge part of their life and has been the reason that they would rather be home than anywhere! That is gold to a mom.
I have two lil' chicks one is now graduating & going off to college & the other is a new teen. They adore each other and spend more time with me than their friends so I think that is a great outcome for a stay at home mom. I have kept them very busy...and am blessed they are very confident even with the issues of size, style, & other girly issues that can plaque a young girl in these days.
OOOOOH i love this question...this picture on my blog says it! (on my side bar)...i delight myself in the Lord!!! I do I do! I know how much my God loves me and i wanna show it with joy! I have much faith and believe my life is his!
Thats why i started this blog...my gals persuaded me to show the joy of a life who loves the Lord! I feel good about myself, my style, My size and know that my confidence is from God.
One day a guy from a newspaper stopped me in my Lucy car...he saw i had a Jesus tag on a cool vintage car...then asked how a tattooed, rockabilly, 50's gal could own a vintage car, dress like me and love the Lord?!
I simply shared my joy of the 50's & life...and said God loves cool people too!!!!
You can have a rocken' style, have a lot of fun, and love Jesus too! ...funny huh?! he ended up putting it in the newspaper...kinda cool!
So thats the first part of answers answers i've got some Answers...thanks so much for the questions...i was excited to read them... So deeply thanks for your interest in my lil' ol' life...Cat~
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