Written By Arman Zulhajar on Thursday, March 11, 2010 | 7:41 AM
hey kittens! wow has this week gotten away from this gal...i have been cleanin' out my over stuffed closet and decidin' if i should sell some of my vintage dresses that i haven't worn in years...I am all about getting them out there to be loved & worn...but as i did so...this is what happened...
...i began to talk to my dear sweet lil' dresses..."ooooh there you are...I haven't seen you in awhile!" "your so CUTE!" ...And so a Daily outfit post was born...this adorable 40's swirl wrap dress in the sweetest yellow gingham check, that this kitten hasn't worn in years... with sweet lil' rosettes and yummy pockets....adorable and sunny! oh well...I guess i'll try cleanin' my stuff out...next week! ha...thanks for swingin' by...Cat~
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