All You Need to Know about Being Pregnant and Wanting to Get Pregnant

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Monday, January 30, 2012 | 12:50 AM

By Carla Speck

A good thing to do when pregnant is to see your practitioner on a regular basis. This will not only help you in knowing about the things that pregnant people should know but it also will help you in knowing how to have a healthy pregnancy. This act can help in having a very smooth pregnancy.

If you are past your due date and you want your baby to be born, try walking. Walking is a healthy technique that can help lower the baby to the position they need to be in to be born. Ask a partner to come along with you. Avoid dangerous techniques, such as contact exercising.

Do not feel required to announce your pregnancy to everyone as soon as you know. All women have their own comfort zone regarding when they want to tell everyone. Some women wait until they have reached the end of the first trimester and the highest risk of miscarriage is over. Listen to your heart and share the news when you are ready to.

Stop smoking before you get pregnant. Smoking can affect your ability to conceive, so find something that will help you stop. You should talk to your doctor to see what recommendations they have to help you quit. There are many options available such as pills and patches.

You will want to have the physical memories of the day you give birth for the rest of your life. Make sure your video camera is charged and ready, along with your digital camera. Remember to have enough media storage to capture as many photos as you could ever need.

Do not be scared to ask for help with lifting things when you are a pregnant. Lifting heavy things can cause miscarriages or stress on your baby, not to mention that it can cause back strains. Instead, have someone else lift heavy objects for you, even if you do not think it is dangerous to lift it.

To help you sleep better while you are pregnant, plan your fluid intake around your smaller bladder capacity. Make sure you get enough water to drink during the day, but slow down after dinner and stop entirely before bedtime. This will help reduce the need to get up during the night to use the restroom.

Sleep whenever you get a chance to during your pregnancy. Difficulty sleeping is one of the biggest complaints women have while pregnant. As our bodies go through these massive changes, the ease of being able to get a full night's sleep decreases. Take naps when the opportunity presents itself.

Start exercising now. If you have healthy habits now they will continue during pregnancy. Exercise is important while you are pregnant because it keeps you healthy. It reduces the risk of having a miscarriage and also can make your labor easier. You should talk to your doctor before exercising while pregnant.

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