A Vintage housewife Summertime project

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Friday, July 22, 2011 | 11:57 AM

Hey kittens!!! off and runnin' in this darn hot sunshine...well Ya- Summertime is a great time to get a lil' project done at my place...longer days...and cool open your window kinda nights...take a lil' peek...well first let me introduce...

King Louie...our newest family member...my soccer chicks best buddy...this darn adorable cat has made this house one very happy home. we waited years to get a cat...and mr. lu...well he is purrrrrrrrfect! He has wrapped Daddy0 around hims sweet lil'paw... and equally sleeps with everyone...oh hes a smart cat, he also loves the many names we give him...Luie-nater, fat Louie, Lu LU...

next my summer time project...

Yup rippin' up the stair carpet...ahhhh...yahooooooo

Well I saw this idea in a magazine...so i asked Daddy0 can i rip up the carpet...by me I meant him...well why he asked...um i donno just saw this cute idea...well tell me...well i wanna make every stair different...huh???...ya like not purrrrfect...just rip it up....welll how about i reface them with nice wood?....NOPE...just rip it up...okay? what ever you wanna do we can always fix it back...so this was it...

Warm rustic stairs and i love'em...the landing is made to look like an ol' wine box...i think i will stain it a lil' darker...so i'm no quit finished...Of coarse then we need to paint the walls darker...so now we are on a whole house paint re-do...love it!!!!

Next i found this awesome idea on a friend of mines blog...I adore Chalk Paint... I try and paint something in every room so you can doodle or write lil' notes...

This is my large twin bed size coffee table/ game table... we had a Disney contest the kids did a great job...

over at counting your blessings she gives an amazing recipe for chalkboard paint...which you can have in any color...its awesome...easy and less expensive! So click on her link on my side bar...but for you'all who dont have the time...here is the recipe...

3/4 C flat latex paint any color

2 Tbl. of pre mix spakle

1 Tbl. of clear glaze....

Wallah...done...ooooh i cant wait to mix a batch...in any color...Thanks for swingin by...Cat


Anonymous said...

Nice blog and of course a better time pass and best project to give a new look to a home .You have done really a appreciating effort .Do you have a children if small baby then u will be having problem during feeding in office hours .So i will suggest you to take Breast pumps which will help you lot .Just try them and enjoy it .

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