Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Sunday, February 27, 2011 | 8:54 AM

Hello all you sassy kittens...ahhhh what a lil' R&R i had re posting this week...thank you all who commented on them...i am so glad you had as much fun as i had reading my very first posts! Now I'm getting all your comments together and gonna pick one sassy winner for my Give Away! So swing back on Monday for the goods!
now a lil' vintage dress post...this is my new vintage farm house dress i scored! yummy yellow with black roses all over it....oh my rosey i can't wait to try it on!

now this...can you help this kitten out...gals i've got over a hundred vintage dresses...its time to scale down...and i have two dresses with the same print...light blue is a lil' sailor inspired one is very sweet that i just got and haven't even worn...i've got one on ebay that i'm thinkin of pulling...cuz i just can't decide which to keep...if you have any input can you help this kitten out fast! many dresses so lil' time...thanks for swingin by!


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