Written By Arman Zulhajar on Friday, September 3, 2010 | 6:33 AM
Hey kittens! So glad you stopped by! I'm in need of a lil' advice...rain boots ,wellies,hunter...oh my! Is there a gal out there who can help...a girl out?
you see my lil' college chick...wants rainboots!...hmmmm...it doesn't rain much in sunny California...what?( i sounded so old in that statement!)
I guess everyone...wears rain boots...I know its been a trend for the past couple of years & they are really sweet...
but can you gals help...can you give me a tip or two...what do you wear with these boots?????????? How do you put it all together...tips gals tips...
So if your a gal who wears these cute boots...can you share a lil' girly goodness with this kitten please!
cuz she wants them all...
what do you guys think...
now seeing this funky pair...the other baby chick is thinkin' she just might rock them...ahhhh here we go gals!
ok i could get into this pair...what sassy gal doesn't love leopard! But rain boots? heehee...
So now this mama is on the hunt...for the cutest darn tooten' rain boots evah! For the baby chicks you know...heehee...i love a good hunt! thanks for the help gals...any ideas? Cat~
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