Stripes, Dots, & High Waisted Shorts, a "What I Wore" post

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Monday, January 25, 2010 | 4:55 PM

Outfit posts are pretty rare for me nowadays. Have I become lazy or is it because I have too many other things going on to really get dressed and have a picture taken? Anyhow, today I decided to put in that extra bit of effort, pin up my hair, and added a brush of red lipstick because red lipstick always cheers and awakens. (Well, in my case anyway)

I look tired here. Wait... I AM tired. The past week I've only been getting 5-6 hrs of sleep a night. I need to get to bed earlier...

As far as the rest of the outfit goes. Black tights paired with black Seychelle booties.


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