The Vintage Housewife...X Rated???

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Thursday, September 22, 2011 | 10:50 AM

Hey kittens...well how did that title get ya?...ummm...Ya...X Rated for sure! teehee..Now that summer is at an end...i wanted to share...a fresh drink that is totally my signature drink!...this is totally The Vintage Housewife...X RATED!... yummm I'm talkin' about this pure pink goodness...this is the cutest pink drink evah...and oh my everyone will want one at your next get passion fruit liquor! sweet is the pink girly goodness....but hold the seems everyone at our shin digs was walkin' around with pink drinks...even the good ol boys! So the joke is... the guys all have to have... Cats pink drinks!...tee totally is my serving staple in my pink trailer cuz a gal has gotta have drinks for the gals who stop by right?! ;0)
So fresh and yummmy...this pink cocktail was a hit this summer... the wonderful drink recipe is...sooo some X Rated...fill your glass with ice and about half the passion fruit liquor...add some sprite...wallah! Now add a lil' extra yumm...add some mango vodka...and oh my... nock ur daddy out! good!

Next have a lil gal time with the girls...serve up this pink goodness & keep the X Rated in the glass gals...teee hee...totally a Vintage housewife stamp of approval...try it out! thanks for swingin' by Cat~


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