A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

Written By Arman Zulhajar on Thursday, August 25, 2011 | 9:48 PM

Lately I've been musing around with the idea of someday having an actual vintage studio. Not just a place with plain walls and a plain door where I tinker with photographing the vintage wares in the shop... but an actual cool space that looks a bit industrial, a bit bare, but definitely pretty...

I've been Pinning ideas the past couple days, just trying to see where these ideas are going. Sometimes it just takes a little spark to ignite a fire... and baby, I want a bonfire on the beach, the whole shabang!

Do you ever feel like you're on the brink of something kind of amazing, kind of fantastic...and you're a little afraid that if you just take one more step, it could all be too much? Maybe this is just the medicine I just took talking, but I truly feel something amazing is just around the corner, I feel it with every fiber of my being...but I can't quite place a finger on what it is yet.

Once I know I'll let you gals (and guys if the gentlemen population is reading this) know.


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